Maison Torrini

Over the years we have always lived as artisan goldsmiths and such we want to remain.

Over the years we have always lived as goldsmiths and such we want to remain.

Since the late 1800s, “Torrini 1369” has been located In the heart of Florence in the square of the main cathedral, the “Duomo”. This historic shop inherits the lineage of the Torrini long path with his trademark registered in 1369 at the Guild of Cuirass makers, Key makers and Locksmiths. The trademark Torrini is high quality synonymous both in Florence and throughout the world. Offering cultural value and an added value to luxurious products in gold or silver.

These collections represent the ancient concept of handmade crafts, perfected over the centuries.

In fact, every jewel is genuine and original because the trademark Torrini has lived according to Its traditions that have never been exposed to external influences. The work is carried out according to rigorous standards oriented to Renaissance principles also cited in 1568 by the Florentine artist Benvenuto Cellini, with the treaty known as “ Treatise of goldsmith’s art”.

discover the story of our brand

Hands, the center of our universe.

Hands, the center of our universe.

Everything is born, everything is transformed. The path of the Torrini trademark begins with the ancient culture of the medieval “workshop”, then Renaissance “bottega”, owned by Jacopo in Scarperia, a village close to Florence, and through a 650-year single long path that still persist today. The common thread is represented by two elements, clears and intangibles, the trademark and the hands.

While the trademark has remained the one that Jacopus registered in Florence in 1369, the hands, by transcendetal effect, alternated chronologically and changed over time, leaving traces of absolute excellence.

The sense of Art: the real added value for the infinite search for beauty.

Our culture has various approach to the customer direct to understand the customer’s wishes. We consider the act of sale the consequence of a harmony that  manifest itself with our Client.

A guarantee for him and a "modus vivendi" for us. The ancient art of the goldsmith who expresses himself through the experience of tradition and knowledge of the latest artistic solutions. Because a goldsmith's work, gold or silver, is always an "expression of art". It has always been like and for us it will always remain the same. The jewels, watches and accessories displayed on this site are original Torrini 1369.The beauty will save the world!


A movie about Jacopus Turini

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Neptune, in Florence it takes the name of Biancone!

It all started with a dispute between spouses. On one side, the powerful and famous Cosimo I de Medici, and on the other, his wife Duchess Eleonora da Toledo. One depicted as a passionate protector of the great Benvenuto Cellini, and the other as the Duchess for the lesser-known Baccio Bandinelli.

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